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So you have been seeing, hearing and reading all about this new way that people are interacting with each other. Social marketing is the here. Some of the more popular sites include Facebook, Twitterand YouTube, but there are literally hundreds of social networks that are designed to appeal to every kind of person with any kind of interest.

Whatever your interests are, there is (or will be) a social community where you can share your ideas, knowledge and expertise with like-minded people.

Not every Social Media outlet is right for every business. Social Magnet Marketing will help you identify and align your business with the Social Network sites that your customers most identify with and will use. We will help develop a strategy that helps you communicate with your customer in the most practical way.

Social Magnet Marketing is also capable of managing and maintaining your social media channels. We work with our clients to develop a strategy and a game plan on how to best monitor the channels and react in a timely fashion to conversations about your business on those social channels.

Click here for our Social Media Glossary where you can learn terminology about the social media world.

Click here for a list of some of the most popular Social Media Sites and a short definition about each of them.