Have a purpose…a strategy…a plan
Every week we come in here and we have the opportunity to share certain things that we are looking for...something that would make our business better for the week. Something that will ring the cash register...
But, are we doing it with a well thought our strategy or purpose?
Are you just coming in here and throwing something up against the wall and hoping it sticks or is it something that you have thought about, planned, prepared for and delivered with frequency...
Many of us have businesses that are seasonal or cyclical.
Are you planning this out? Making special offers? Carrying that message or offer throughout your business….
Josh Dana…Summer driving….AC Check….Special Offer….Blog Post…Coupon to hand out at BNI…Website offer…Facebook Post…Outside advertising… Talk about it at BNI a few times in different ways….Examples….Fred was driving to Las Vegas this past weekend…Oil, coolant…air pressure…fluids etc.
Scotty: Summer pool tune up? Special Change the sand filter, Acid Wash, Paint?
Be strategic in your message that you deliver here at BNI and carry that message through to your business and the marketing channels you play in.
Social Magnet Marketing | Phoenix, AZ | 85020| 602-679-5320